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Big announcement!
UPDATED, New Show soon! Almost done with new EVERYTHING!
Yep, there hasn't been a new show is a while. Been busy with formatting a new show, New Website and new subject matter. From Science, entertainment, history, archeology, etc., and so much more. Still will have politics, but that will play a much smaller role. No subject matter will be a majority of the new show. I don't know what I may call it yet, and feel from to send suggestions. I know I will have fun doing it, and I hope it will be enjoyable to all.
UPDATED, New Show soon! Almost done with new EVERYTHING!
Yep, there hasn't been a new show is a while. Been busy with formatting a new show, New Website and new subject matter. From Science, entertainment, history, archeology, etc., and so much more. Still will have politics, but that will play a much smaller role. No subject matter will be a majority of the new show. I don't know what I may call it yet, and feel from to send suggestions. I know I will have fun doing it, and I hope it will be enjoyable to all.
We all began to see when the veil began to be lifted when Obama became President. His actions & policies began to make us all see this country was in trouble. Trump's election educated us even more as he exposed the swamp. Even he did not know how deep it was/is. They feared him for exposing the left's and RINOs negative impacts on America (and the world). Now, Biden is bringing the end game to planned disaster. Giving much of us doubt, leaving us to wonder if this is coming from someone or many others above him. So much so, that even many Democrats are waking up to realize what JFK believed in is too far right in comparison to today's liberal. Malcolm X warned us about this, as Ronald Reagan also did (many others too). Democrats & RINO politicians are ushering in Obama's statement to fruition "Transform America".
(Blast from the past! Doing a little Spring Cleaning (Several months after Spring began... I am a procrastinator... I came across one one the first news nOTES from the Matty and Marty show on WIFI Am Philly. Had no idea I still had it. approx: 2011! AS WELL AS A wyfn FLYERS. sEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY! (cLICK TO ENLARGE) |
Click on America In Crisis photo to order the book by James Langston. Chapter 7 includes an article by Martin O'Sullivan via The Conservative Patriot articles.
"Not only am I honored to have Mr. Langston refer to my article on the Military, but as I read this book, it is a truly amazing book! If you like Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny, you will absolutely love this book!" - Martin O'Sullivan |